Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Disney's "Little Mermaid" by Charm City Players

I was so excited to see "Little Mermaid" with my 8-year old.  Loved how they had so many cardboard cutouts in the lobby and that the cast was milling around beforehand and at intermission.  This was definitely a good one.

Here's my review:

The Little Mermaid

"Mulan Jr" by Court Jester's Young People's Theatre at CCBC Essex

This was definitely one of the more enjoyable shows I've seen.  Who doesn't love Disney?  Who doesn't love a story about a girl who risks everything to save her family (girl power!)?  The professionalism of the kids performing was amazing (as always), and we all loved the songs.  My 5-year old basically had some of the songs on repeat for the rest of the week.

Here's my review:

"Spamalot" at Cockpit in Court Summer Theatre

I've heard so much about Monty Python that I had to check out "Spamalot" with my friend, Jen.  Now I know why I've never watched it before.  It just so wasn't my thing.  It was definitely a tough one to endure.  I found myself groaning instead of laughing.  Shows how everyone has different opinions because the audience seemed to really enjoy it.

Here's my review:


"The Gazebo" at Cockpit in Court Summer Theatre

I brought my English major friend to this one.  I really haven't seen many plays.  This one was ok, but really, musicals are just much more entertaining.  There's dancing and singing... you have to be incredibly multi-talented.

This was an interesting space, with tables where you sit with strangers.  I'm kind of introverted so wasn't keen on sitting with people I didn't know, but they were friendly enough.

Here's my review:

The Gazebo

"Julius Caesar" at Baltimore Shakespeare Factory

Not sure how I got myself into this one.  I'm not going to lie; I don't get Shakespeare.  I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that, but I have found that other people just don't get Shakespeare either.  But when the theatre guide scheduler called and said they needed someone, how could I say no?  After all, in my head I was thinking 'I didn't get Shakespeare in high school, but as a forty-something, surely I'll understand it."  Ummm... I thought wrong.

I thought the show would be "Twelfth Night" so I rented the movie (via Amazon Prime) and watched part of it... and was surprised that it wasn't THAT bad.  Stupid me.  I ended up at opening night of "Julius Caesar," not "Twelfth Night," and I hadn't done research on that one (although I did watch the BBC miniseries afterwards to try to understand the plot better).

This one was not an enjoyable experience.  We couldn't find the place.  We were outside on our folding chairs (thankfully, we had the foresight to bring them!)  It was buggy and warm.  The sounds of nature were so loud you couldn't hear the actors.  There was no scenery, and the costumes were strange for a play set in ancient Rome.

I brought my English major friend with me, and she didn't get it either.  I think with a full bottle of wine (Italian, of course), maybe it would have been better?

Here's my review:

Julius Caesar

"Heathers" at Red Branch Theatre (Columbia)

I remember "Heathers" as being something like an '80s version of "Mean Girls."  Ummm...  I was wrong.  I made the HUGE mistake of taking my 11-year old to see the show (which I thought I had researched beforehand to make sure it was ok for younger audiences).  It was the most inappropriate show I have ever seen.  It seemed like there was so much swearing and so many sexual innuendos.  At one point, JD and Veronica are in bed; at another point, two guys are trying to make Veronica do things she just doesn't want to do.  And that doesn't even consider that the whole plot is about (gasp) killing people.  I wanted to crawl under my chair.  I wanted to take my daughter out of there immediately.  I was so mad at myself.

Obviously, it was tough to enjoy the show when I was completely mortified.  The songs were great -- many were memorable -- but we couldn't even listen to them since they had so much cursing and sex stuff (to the nth degree).  UGGH.

Here's my review:


"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" by September Song at Carroll Arts Center

I couldn't see "Joseph" without thinking of my bat mitzvah (almost 30 years ago -- yikes!).  I still remembered "go, go, go Joseph" and the song which listed all the colors of Joseph's amazing coat.  So glad I could share the experience with my 11-year old.

Here's my review:

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

"Forever Plaid" at Dundalk Community Theatre

My mom told me that this was the best musical, and I had to take the kids.  But I ended up going with friends due to the 8pm start time and the fact that Dundalk isn't exactly around the corner.  The musical didn't have much of a storyline, but it did have some great singing.  All in all, an enjoyable evening... although I'm not so sure that the kids would have agreed.

Here's my review:

"Pinkalicious" presented by Vital Theatre Company at Amoss Center (Harford Community College)

I was looking forward to seeing a beloved children's book as a musical. But by the time we got there, I just wasn't in the right mood.  Maybe it was everyone coming in late and interrupting the action or the fact that it took an hour to get there or that our seats weren't the greatest.  I don't know... the vibe was just off.

Once I got home, listened to the songs again, and wrote my review, I liked it much better.  Is that supposed to make sense?  Am I supposed to like the show better in the comfort of my own home?  Maybe there were just too many kids and too much action for me to relax and enjoy the show.   Maybe the songs sounded cuter the second time around (despite the pre-recorded music). Hopefully, the kids (mine and my friend, Jen's) had a good time!

Here's my review:


"Sister Act" at Toby's Columbia Dinner Theatre

I've never been to Toby's in Columbia so was excited when I got the chance to go (despite the fact that it was a Wednesday night).  Thankfully, the location was right off the highway so it didn't take too long to get there (even though I left at 6pm and thought I'd get stuck in terrible rush hour traffic).

Two surprises once I got there:

(1) The place was PACKED.  I don't think there was one extra seat, and this was a Wednesday night!  They even bussed people in from NJ and Chicago.

(2) The buffet dinner was surprisingly good.  I wasn't expecting much so it exceeded my expectations.  There was a nice salad bar to start as well as pasta (baked ziti - yum!), fish, chicken, and carved meats.  And of course there were plenty of veggies too.  On the table were some of the most delish rolls I've ever tasted.  And the waiters (who often also play parts in the show) were attentive, bringing us plenty of sodas, water, and coffee.  Plus, we had a choice of cheesecake and chocolate cake for dessert, and the cake was super yummy.  They even had ice cream somewhere hidden in the back.

We ended up sitting at a table for four with the publisher of the MD Theatre Guide and his friend.  Nice that we knew our tablemates, and we had plenty to talk about (I also got to learn more about the MD theatre scene).

The emcee before the show started was hysterical.  I ended up laughing out loud.  He introduced everyone with birthdays and anniversaries which added a personal touch and made the whole theatre experience feel more intimate.

Here's my review:

Sister Act

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Anything Goes" at Harford Community College

I took my 11-year old to see "Anything Goes" this past Saturday night.  Bel Air was a REALLY long drive (much longer than expected!), and it seemed as if we were in the middle of nowhere.  I wasn't sure how Madeline would like the old-time musical; as usual, I didn't get much of a reaction.  The story and some of the one-liners were incredibly corny, but the songs and dancing was great.  We did question the 'Angels,' who appeared to be in their 70s.  It wasn't that they were old... it was more that they were wearing REALLY short dresses!

Here's my review:

Anything Goes

"Crazy For You" by Children's Playhouse of Maryland at CCBC Essex

I took my musical-loving 8-year old to "Crazy For You."  Those Children's Playhouse shows are AMAZING...  I can't believe a group of kids can do what they do.  Makes all other children's theatre pale in comparison.  "Crazy For You" was a strange choice for a bunch of kids -- too old-fashioned -- but it did have the big singing and dancing numbers.  I noticed there were less kids in the audience than usual because the show wasn't as kid-friendly as prior performances (eg, 'Mary Poppins,' 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,' 'James and The Giant Peach).

Here's my review:

Crazy For You

"Peter Rabbit and Me" - Pumpkin Theatre at Har Sinai

This past Sunday, I went to see "Peter Rabbit and Me" with my 5-year old (and her 5-year old friend).  The show focused on "The Tale of Peter Rabbit," alternating between the story of the author, Beatrix Potter, as a young girl in London in 1879, and Peter's adventure with the other animals.  The show is for a really young audience so I'm glad I didn't bring the older kids.  Remaining dates are 9/24 and 9/25 at 1 and 3pm.

Here's my review for the Maryland Theatre Guide:

Peter Rabbit and Me

This is Me - In Review

I LOVE to review.  I review theatre (for the Maryland Theatre Guide).  I review books (on Goodreads).  I review travel destinations (on tripadvisor).  I review products (on Amazon or Target).  I may as well start a review blog...